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Jefferson County, West Virginia
Gateway to the Shenandoah Valley

Radio 10-Codes, Signal Codes, and Response Codes
Used by Law Enforcement Personnel

Updated 04-01-20

10-1  Unable to copy
10-2  Signal is good
10-3  Switch channels
10-4  Okay (acknowledgement)
10-5  Relay message
10-6  Busy, standby
10-7  Unavailable
10-8  Available
10-9  Repeat
10-10 Available by phone
10-11 K-9 unit needed
10-12 Standby
10-13 Weather/road report
10-14 Message query
10-15 Subject in custody
10-16 Reply query
10-17 En rout
10-18 Urgent
10-19 Return to station
10-20 Location query
10-21 Contact by phone
10-22 Disregard
10-23 Arrival at scene
10-24 Leaving the scene
10-25 Meet (in person) ...
10-26 ETA query

10-27 Operators license query
10-28 Vehicle registration query
10-29 NCIC query
10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
10-31 Crime in progress
10-32 Subject with gun
10-33 Emergency traffic
10-34 Current time query
10-35 NCIC hit
10-36 Confidential information
10-37 Traffic query
10-40 At home
10-41 Beginning tour of duty
10-42 Ending tour of duty
10-43 Wrecker needed
10-44 Meal break
10-45 Visitor present
10-46 Motorist assist
10-50 Status check
10-75 Warrant check
10-76 En rout
10-88 Phone number query
10-89 Bomb threat
10-96 Mental patient
10-97 Arrival at scene
10-98 Leaving the scene

Signal Codes
Signal  1  Call (by phone) ...
Signal  2  Respond to ...
Signal  3  Call your office
Signal  4  Respond to your office
Signal  5  Officer needs assistance
Signal  6  Auto accident
Signal  6A " with injury
Signal  6B " with fatality
Signal  7  Hit & Run
Signal  7A " with injury
Signal  7B " with fatality
Signal  8  Traffic hazard
Signal  9  Intoxicated driver
Signal 10  Intoxicated pedestrian
Signal 11  EMS needed
Signal 12  Fight                           
Signal 12A " with knife/knives
Signal 12B " with gun(s)
Signal 13  Robbery
Signal 13A Armed robbery
Signal 13B Strong armed robbery
Signal 14  Stolen auto
Signal 15  Stopping subject
Signal 16  Breaking & Entering
Signal 16A " subject still on premise
Signal 17  Suspicious person
Signal 18  Murder
Signal 19  Vehicle stop
Signal 20  Request to see an officer
Signal 21  Suicide threat
Signal 21A Suicide attempt
Signal 21B Suicide
Signal 22  Water rescue
Signal 23  Alcohol violation
Signal 24  Animal abuse
Signal 25  Gambling
Signal 26  Destruction of property
Signal 27  Disorderly conduct
Signal 28  Hostage
Signal 29  Escaped prisoner
Signal 30  Jail break
Signal 31  Indecent exposure
Signal 32  Subject with gun
Signal 33  Trespassing
Signal 34  Abduction
Signal 35  Riot
Signal 36  Tampering with auto
Signal 37  Stabbing
Signal 38  Pursuit
Signal 39  Bad check

Signal 40  Passing counterfeit money
Signal 41  Arson
Signal 42  Rape
Signal 42A Sex abuse
Signal 43  Fraud
Signal 44  Assault
Signal 45  Bank robbery
Signal 46  Undercover
Signal 47  Forgery
Signal 48  Impersonating an officer
Signal 49  Seizure
Signal 50  Transporting stolen goods
Signal 51  Shoplifting
Signal 52  Domestic
Signal 53  Prowler
Signal 54  Disabled vehicle
Signal 55  Traffic
Signal 56  Reckless driving
Signal 57  Game law violation
Signal 58  Carrying concealed weapon
Signal 59  Convoy/escort
Signal 60  Escort funeral
Signal 61  Missing person
Signal 62  Fugitive
Signal 63  Suspicious person
Signal 63A Suspicious vehicle
Signal 64  Prostitution
Signal 65  Serving warrant
Signal 66  Deliver process
Signal 67  Deliver court order
Signal 68  Noise complaint
Signal 69  Helicopter needed
Signal 70  Fire alarm
Signal 71  Questionable
Signal 72  Structure fire
Signal 74  Auto fire
Signal 75  Wildfire
Signal 76  Traffic - fire
Signal 77  Suspicious mail
Signal 78  Plane crash
Signal 79  Train wreck
Signal 80  Hazardous material incident
Signal 90  Bank alarm
Signal 91  Hold-up alarm
Signal 92  Burglar alarm
Signal 96  Mental patient
Signal 99  Controlled substance activity
Signal 100 Subversive activity
Signal 101 Terrorism

Response Codes

Code 1: At your convenience
Code 2: Urgent
Code 3: Emergency
Code 4: Everything is okay

Notes: Not all codes are used by all agencies, and there may be inconsistencies between this list and the meaning of the code when it is used.  For some time, Fire/Rescue/EMS procedures require the use of ’plain English’ rather than 10- and Signal-codes on their designated frequencies and talk groups.  So, instead of codes, which had clear, specific meanings, expect a wide, seemingly-unpoliced variation of terms for the same thing.

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Revised: March 8, 2023
First posting: February 4, 2002

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