J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y W V
Hosted by www.jeffcowv.com
Jefferson County, West Virginia
Gateway to the Shenandoah Valley
The main purpose of this site is to provide information pertaining to radio scanner programming, operation, and listening for Jefferson County, WV residents. Although our frequency list contains information about public service and business systems for several surrounding counties, our primary focus is on the public service operations of Jefferson County, WV.
Updated 09-30-22
+ The Adobe Flash players that used to be on this page are NO LONGER AVAILABLE, as Adobe Flash has been discontinued
+ You can access my scanner audio channels using one of the many smart-phone apps currently available, like 'Scanner Radio'
by Gordon Edwards, available for both Android and iPhone. You can also go to Broadcastify.com and use their web-based
players. Beware that these players have 15- to 30-minute advertisements at the beginning of stream, and we no longer have
direct access to them from this page. If you choose to use Broadcastify's web-based audio player, you will need to manually
+ As of March 1st, 2022, my Fire/Rescue/EMS, Police Dispatch, and TAC/Command scanner audio are also available using the
Zello walkie-talkie app, which offers superior audio, and which is available for both smart phones and PCs.* ===================================================================================================================
*Click on the link labeled Online Scanner for information on how to listen to my online scanner audio